Thursday, September 22, 2011

New American Hospital Association Annual Survey Database

The O’Neill Library is glad to offer the American Hospital Association Annual Survey Database 2009 to the Boston College Community.

This database contains comprehensive hospital data from 6,500 hospitals. Areas of coverage include: demographics; organizational structure; facilities and services; utilization data; community orientation indicators; physician arrangements; managed care relationships and expenses.

For the Connell School of Nursing this data is invaluable in studies of nurse staffing, assurance of equitable health services to the community, utilization of health facilities on state and national levels, and in the planning of healthcare programs, for example.

The wealth of data will be of use to many subject areas besides the health care fields. Social work, sociology, and education can use the data to explore how health care affects people in the community and in the quality of their lives.

Psychologists might want to know what services are available in psychiatric care units, both on an inpatient and outpatient basis. Economics and business researchers can use the data to track health care trends and inform health care policy proposals. Communications and media specialists research all of these aspects of health care data.

Barbara Mento, O’Neill Library Data Librarian, and ITS Research Services are available for assistance in accessing or analyzing the data.

Access is restricted to the Boston College Community.

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